Funerals at Meldrum and Bourtie
If you are looking at this page because you have recently lost either a beloved member of your family or a friend and want to arrange a funeral service or some pastoral care for yourself, please contact our Minister Rev Alisa McDonald on 01651 872059. The minister, elders and pastoral care committee of the church are here to provide support in these sad and difficult circumstances. We will stand alongside you.
Any of the local undertakers can help you with making arrangements for a funeral and the church hopes to support you, not just through the immediate trauma, but in the weeks and months to come.

The minister and our church buildings are available for funeral services. There is no requirement to be a member of our church or the Church of Scotland. As the parish minister it is my responsibility to conduct funerals but if you have a preference for another minister please just ask.
Usually I will visit you in your home and, together with your closest family, we will plan the service and talk in detail about the person who has died. This will allow us to create a service which marks the death of your loved one but also celebrates and honours that person’s life.
The death of someone you love is a painful experience which can leave you feeling as if no one else understands. This is partly because our society does not talk about death easily or naturally. It is the last enemy which we fear. Christians believe that Jesus Christ has already conquered death so that we do not die into nothingness. Our spirits are immortal and through the grace of Jesus Christ we go home to God who made us and who loves each one of us but this does not mean that we are happy when we lose someone we love. Like everyone else, we mourn.
You are welcome amongst us no matter how sad you feel. We do not expect you to be brave in your grief because many of the people in the congregation have gone through the pain of grief themselves. Every year we hold a Bereavement Service so that those who are mourning, or remembering a grief that is older but still painful, can come and share a short service of readings and prayers with refreshments afterwards.
Please remember that we are here to be alongside you - do not struggle alone if we can help. A sympathetic visit to your home can be arranged at any time.
Links to local funeral directors:
Eric P Massie, 01467 621368: Email: : Website:
W D Massie, 01651 851205.
John Craig, 01467 623456
George Burgess, 01358 720259